A 63-year old homeless man, Abdul Aziz Selamat, was sentenced to the maximum fine of $1,500 after pleading guilty to using criminal force by splashing
4 Weeks’ Imprisonment for Giving Bribe in SAF Detention Barracks
A 33-year old SAF Detention Barracks detainee, Castelli Lee Chun Seng, was sentenced to 4 weeks’ imprisonment after pleading guilty to a charge of
9 Months’ Imprisonment for Running Red Light and Killing 2 Pedestrians
A 55-year old project manager, Ng Boon Wee, was sentenced on 17 March 2015 to nine months’ imprisonment for nine months and disqualified from holding
Chinese Conmen Sentenced to 10 Months’ Imprisonment for Cheating Scam
Three Chinese nationals - 53-year old, Li Qiangqing, 48-year old Zhu Zhaozong and 50-year old Wei Shuihong - had flown from China to Singapore for the
10 Years’ Imprisonment for House Trespass, Drug Consumption and Causing Hurt with a Samurai Sword
A 41-year old unemployed man, Abdul Rahman Ibrahim, was sentenced on 18 March 2015 to 10 years’ imprisonment for multiple offences including house
2 Years’ Imprisonment and 12 Strokes of Cane or Gang-related Stabbing
A 21-year old secret society member, Sivakandesh, pleaded guilty to causing hurt with a dangerous weapon by stabbing a 17-year old boy in the left
18 Months’ Imprisonment for Criminal Intimidation using a Penknife
A 33-year old deliveryman, Abdul Jalil Mohamad Yusof, was sentenced on 23 March 2015 to 18 months’ imprisonment for using a penknife to threaten a
1 Month’s Imprisonment for Hitting Police Officer
A 34 year old Portuguese video editor, Carlos Eduardo Da-Cruz Ferreira, was sentenced to one month's’ imprisonment for causing hurt to deter a public
30 Years Imprisonment and 23 Strokes of Cane for Sexual Assaults on Young Boys
A 31-year old engineer, Yap Weng Wah, was sentenced to 30 years’ imprisonment and 24 strokes of the cane in respect of multiple sexual offences